This Friday i have some Xenethis immanis and lots of Lasiodora parahybana coming in. And next Tuesday I have the following expected:
Caribena laeta .5" Puerto Rican Pinktoe
Caribena versicolor .5" Antilles Pinktoe
Cyriocosmus aueri .25" Peruvian Dwarf Redleg
Cyriocosmus leetzi .25" Columbian Dwarf Tiger
Ornthoctinus sp. "Panay Blue" .5" Panay Blue Earth Tiger
Ornithoctoninae sp. "Quezon Blue" .5" Queszon Blue Earth Tiger
Pterinopelma sazimai .5" Brazilian Blue Violet
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens .5" Greenbottle Blue
Poecilotheria miranda 1" Bengal Spotted Ornamental
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 1" Wessel's Tiger Ornamental