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PACNWRS - Puyallup pre-orders

With the PACNWRS show in Puyalup, WA only 11 days away. It is time to open pre-orders at We will have an incredible selection of tarantulas, scorpions, whip Scorpions, beetles, airplants, and all the enclosures you need to raise you new pets. If you want to order now, to make sure you get the animals that you want, you can order off the website, and under the shipping tab, pick the "pick up" option. And add "pick up at show" in the comment box, and you order will be ready to pick up when you get to the show. There is no charge for this. Let me know if you have any questions, and I look forward to seeing everyone at the show. Please share this post to all your friends and groups so everyone knows about the expo on December 10th and 11th.




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