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Mar 18, 2021
In General Discussions
Tliltocatl albo. Frilly My T. albo. has been very accepting of the coconut hut hide and spent most of it's time inside, venturing out to roam a couple of time, but yesterday I noticed that it was laying web completely over the hut door and then could see it laying down web on the substrate and then rolling balls of substrate up to pack into the coconut door. She/he/it has now barricaded inside. I am thinking this is pre molt behavior. I tried to feed Frilly a few days ago and they just slapped at the cricket so I took it out. So how long is this going to be, a few days or weeks? Amazing behavior. Frilly was so methodical and precise in arranging the clumps of substrate. I didn't watch the whole endeavor as I had to get to sleep but I imagine it took quite awhile to get all that moved and packed in.
Premolt ?    content media
Mar 08, 2021
In General Discussions
The spooders made it home and are settling in.. :) The Brachypelma albiceps was not happy that I gently booped her behind to get her to move forward and let me know... hair kickinging ensued. I'll leave her in the open container in her new enclosure until she settles down. Named her MioMios or Mio for short. (Beautiful cherry) because of the red hairs on her abdomen. The Avic. a, was not bad to get moved and the Tliltocatl albpoilosum was as sweet as could be. No names for them yet. They Look Fantastic! clean plump and beautiful! Thank you very much Aaron. 😄
They are Home  content media
Jan 28, 2021
In General Discussions
Hi there, I'm looking around for a first tarantula. I've been fascinated with spiders all my life and kept various common true spiders as "pets" for years. Mostly my home is a no kill relocate little critter zone. I'm older, almost 65 and have some chronic medical conditions which limit my mobility so I've been looking for a tarantula that would be easy for me to care for. Probably terrestrial for sure. I would like to be able to look over and see a T sitting in it's habitat. I'm not interested in handling a tarantula as I'm probably not quick enough to recapture one if it decided to bolt. And I'm also not interested in having a large collection either.. At most I could eventually manage 3 Ts. due to space and medical issues. I've been wanting a tarantula for a few years, but my husband hasn't been "on board" with it until lately when he softened his objections and relented. :) Anyway this is just an introduction and as this is a local to me board I thought I would say hi!
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